I recommend reading everything that follows before you begin your first read—like you would (should) a recipe. Knowing all the “ingredients” upfront will make you a more nimble and knowledgeable user of ORA+CLE. The 4-sections are:
+ Choosing
+ Prepping
+ Revealing
+ Reading
Choosing your spread
Before you begin any read, you’ll want to determine which spread you want to use. Being intentional here is a great way to frame the more ephemeral aspects of an oracle and ORA+CLE practice. The spread you choose can respond to the question, situation and/or personal preference. There is no right or wrong way to draw an ORA+CLE card, and there is no specific number of cards needed for a reading. Honor your intuition and draw as many cards as inspires you.
That being said, here are a few suggestions:
One Card
This reading works well to gain insight into general questions versus specific situations. I like to frame all one-card questions with: “What do I need to know about [ xyz ].” See if that works for you, too. When I ask specific questions I find guidance is more elusive and therefore harder to wiggle into. Keeping the inquiry general makes space for the full range of wisdom.
An example of a specific question would be: When will my client pay me? Versus a general inquiry: What do I need to know about money, right now?
Two Cards
It’s amazing how much information one card holds in relation to particular question. However, the possibilities created by adding a second card are exponential. The second card can confirm, expand upon and add nuance to the first card. They can also act relationally, making a two-card spread perfect for the many dualities we experience. Use the prompts below carte blanche, or as the a springboard to create your own.
+ Designer / Client
+ Situation / Solution
+ If I take this path / If I take this other path
+ Why did that happen? / What can I learn from it?
+ What do I need to know? / How can I activate it?
Three Cards
This spread is a way to look at a situation in-depth, and to better understand a challenging question. For all 3-card spreads, determine which trio you want to utilize before shuffling the deck. Following are three versions I use most:
+ past / present / future
The first card in a past / present / future spread is placed on the left and represents the past influences on the situation. Next to this card you draw a second card that represents the energy of the present moment. Finally, the third card is placed to the right, and reveals the future outcome regarding the situation asked about — if you follow the guidance of the present. Honor your intuition regarding timeframe.
+ situation / challenge / guidance
The situation / challenge / guidance reading operates completely independently of time. In this spread the first card you draw represents the energy surrounding the question or situation you asked about, the second card speaks to your present challenge and the third card reveals the guidance you need.
+ me / them / us
For this three-card spread the first card relates to you and your energy — what you want out of the relationship and/or offers insight into your true feelings. The second card relates to the other person — how they are feeling, their energy, and what they want out of the relationship. The third card is about the relationship between the two of you — where y’all stand now or where it is heading. It may also reveal what is missing or could improve the relationship’s harmony.
To encourage a different posture and approach, ORA+CLE wasn’t designed to be shuffled. Their larger-than-in-your-palm physicality defies a comfortable shuffle, not to mention the coated one side, uncoated on the other, design. So how do you randomize an ORA+CLE deck? I have some ideas.
First hold the full deck. Feel it’s weight, and begin to tune into how you want to move with them. The following are examples of the non-shuffle shuffle from my practice.
+ Place each of the 50 cards out in front of me on a table and then reassembled the deck intuitively / mindlessly by looking at the color and reaching for what calls, one at a time. Not focusing on the words, only responding to the colors.
+ Wash the deck face down on a table, moving my hands to mix the cards gently or intentionally.
+ Cut the deck into multiple piles and reassemble left to right.
I prepare my deck before single readings, and each Monday night for a weekly forecast. For this, I place 7 cards, left to right, each representing a day.
No matter your technique, the focus is on mingling the cards while putting the intention of your question — and your energy — into the deck. When complete, close the ritual by squaring the deck and set them face down.
Now that you’ve chosen a spread, you’ve connected with intention and randomized the deck, you can reveal your cards.
Cut the deck for added randomization or as punctuation to this ritual. Reveal the top card(s) in order, in your chosen configuration. Left to right? North to south? In a circle? Wabi-Sabi-like? It’s all good.
Alternately, you can spread all the cards out in front of you, face down, and choose by allowing the cards to guide your hand. As above, turn the cards over in your chosen configuration.
There are three components to each card: a colored circle, an insightful statement, and a deeper dive into finding meaning. Utilize all three elements.
When you read a card, see how the elements on the card relate specifically to your inquiry. You can use your eyes, ears, heart, and mind to read ORA+CLE. Your first intuitive hits when you see the cards are important. The color on the card holds as much meaning as the words, and were picked intentionally to pair with each insight. Apply them to the words shared on the card.
How does the color make you feel, how does it respond or contrast with the words? If you are working with a spread, take this further and ask yourself how do the colors and messages communicate with each other. If at all. There’s no inherent truth to be found in this inquiry, you can’t ORA+CLE wrong. These prompts are so you can derive the most meaning from your read.
After your read, you can return the card to the deck or put it in a place of reverence and let it work its magic as an object. As a reminder. Or to see if your experience with it evolves over time. I’d love to see how ORA+CLE fits into your world. Tag me @adesignconcern so I can have a peek.
Bottom line, you know what to do. And if you don’t, The Google does. But you know. #trust